Chassis components

Highest precision for complex parts

Chassis components are highy complex parts requiring special clamping technologies for their processing. More often, unwanted vibrations cannot be prevented so that the processing of the parts becomes more difficult. The demand for low-vibration and yet high-precision tools is growing: LACH DIAMONDS’s PCD step drills and PCD monoblock milling cutters meet all requirements due to their extremely high precision.

axle suspension

For the axle suspension, the specially manufactured PCD step drill can produce precise drill holes with high process reliability.

pivot bearings

The PCD monoblock milling cutter ensures optimum surface quality of the pivot bearings. PCD step drills are used for precise drill holes.

low-vibration processing due to highest precision
process reliability
maximum efficiency

The PCD step drill sets new standards for the high-performance machining of non-ferrous metals. Due to the newly developed chip shape geometries, it is possible to achieve maximum process safety also with long-chipping materials.

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Milling with PCD and CBN is LACH DIAMANT’s supreme discipline. Our experts develop PCD tools exclusively with PCD tipping. We are proud of our numerous innovations which have made today’s milling processing possible in the first place: with highest precision even for complicated components.

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PCD step drill and profile tools

High Precision dreboform®

Milling with diamond and CBN tools

Custom Solutions

Along with the manufacturing of our standard products we develop tailor-made solutions for your specific application. Special dimensions are manufactured according to your requests and requirements.

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  • 5% discount on your next blanket purchase order if the quantity exceeds or matches that of a previous tools order
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