LACH DIAMOND INC. presents: PCD- and CBN-tipped engraving tools for the stamping technology sector, the packaging and printing industry

Another product from LACH DIAMOND INC. Grand Rapids/MI- highly precise and wear-resistant.

Engraving tools tipped with PCD or CBN cutting materials enables competitive machining strategies of processing magnetic flexible dies as well as cutting rotors made of high-quality challenging materials.

Other applications are for example scoring of PCB (electronic industry) as well as engraving of high-tensile and wear-resistant materials.

LACH DIAMOND INC. is happy to advise all users based on almost 100 years of experience in dealing with the hardest of all things – diamond.

We offer PCD- and CBN-tipped engraving tools

  • in standard or customized dimensions
  • as semi-finished or finished (incl. side-cut)
  • with highest reachable surface qualities


Just ask us – we will be glad to advise you personally and offer you a customized solution! 

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Our limited-time “IT’S BLANKET FRIDAY” discount offer:

  • 5% discount on your next blanket purchase order if the quantity exceeds or matches that of a previous tools order
  • 3% discount on all non-blanket orders including new orders