50 Years of Hard Turning with CBN

at the LACH DIAMOND booth at IMTS 2024 in Chicago

1974 – 2024 – half a century – and only one aspect of the pioneering work of LACH DIAMOND.

Today, as 50 years ago, hard turning with LACH CBN turning tools reduces hours of grinding time to minutes of turning time during the machining of hardened high-alloy steels starting at 58 to 62 HRC.

Back then, just as today, this was a sensation to everyone not familiar with the process. However, the performance of the so-called »dreborid®-B« tools did not only show during the machining of steel; saving of time and efficiency were also apparent during the turning of metal-powder coated wear parts.

LACH DIAMOND offers a 2-tipped insert, »dreborid®-B-DUO-power«, for all clients who would like double the efficiency and performance for hard turning.

More information is available at the IMTS booth 432135 West Building, Level 3. LACH DIAMOND is looking forward to your visit.

By the way: A tour of our exhibition stand will show you the entire LACH DIAMOND portfolio for the cutting of aluminim, abrasive plastic, graphite carbons, and many other solutions for more efficiency and non-varying performance.

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Our limited-time “IT’S BLANKET FRIDAY” discount offer:

  • 5% discount on your next blanket purchase order if the quantity exceeds or matches that of a previous tools order
  • 3% discount on all non-blanket orders including new orders